{USER_NAME}’s next read

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”

Jim Rohn

Recently I read a lot, from Build by Tony Fadell to War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi (disclaimer: affiliate links) and I am enjoying it.

My only problem is that I have no reading list. And I am too lazy to create one, thus I thought: why not apply ChatGPT, some book db and create a telegram bot which asks for some books you liked and then recommends you new ones to read. I tried it manually and was quite happy with the results. Then I thought that I could even monetize it by utilizing amazon affiliates system.

I have no name for this project yet, and not even an affiliates account. But I’m on it, and to request one I need a website, which hopefully is fulfilled by this one.

I don’t expect anyone to read this, but still I will post updates about the project on this page.